Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's Day

What a fun day. I've always liked this day, and I guess it's because I'm such a smart-ass that it just seems like a fitting day.

Today is un-officially my Casey-Dog's birthday. We knew she was born in early April, but the exact date was unknown. So why not make it April 1st???? I could find no good reason not to... This morning before heading to work, she got extra treats! She didn't know why, but she was happy.

As a kid, I remember playing the common April Fool's jokes. "Hey, your shoes untied" followed by "April Fools!"

I even remember one year, I replaced my parent's sugar bowl with salt. So when they had their morning cup of tea, they put salt in it instead. I also remember them not seeing the humor in it. DOH!

But the most memorable April Fool's Joke I remember was one done by local disc jockeys.

Set the scene: Mt. Trashmore!
What is Mt. Trashmore?? Once a landfill, it was converted into a city park in the 70's by compacting the trash and covering it with clean soil, and planting grass. It's a large hill that is 60 feet high and 800 feet long. The park now boasts two mountains, two lakes, and a multitude of trails. If one were to dig beneath the surface they would find that the whole hill is covered in a thick layer of rubber to keep water from running through the trash. In addition, three of the flag poles in the park secretly act as vents for methane gas released by the rotting trash beneath the scenic park.

It was April 1992. On FM-99, the morning guys were Tommy Griffith and the late Henry "The Bull" Del Toro. A roudy duo to say the least.

But on that April Fool's Day, they claimed that Mt. Trashmore had a build up of methane gas and was about to explode.

Local residents flooded 911 with calls. People evacuated their homes. And near panic ensued. The duo tried to give clues by giving phony highways as evacuation routes, but too many folks thought it was real.

The radio station was fined by the FCC and the DJ's were suspended for two weeks without pay.

I know I shouldn't think it funny, but I really did think it was hilarious!

The Museum of Hoaxes even has it listed (along with another incident) as #9 in the "Top 10 Worst April Fool's Day Hoaxes Ever". Is it wrong that I think that's AWESOME???

How do you spend April Fool's? Do you have any that are particularly memorable? What is your favorite April Fool's joke???


1 comment:

Shay said...

Aussies are an apathetic lot. No April Fools jokes here at all yesterday. Not a one!