Back? Great!
The CSA officially started this past weekend. June 4th. We got the 1/2 share since there are only two of us in the house. We also got an email that we could pick up a "bonus" over Memorial Day weekend. WOOHOO! BONUS!
Here is the list of what we got in bonus basket:
- Beets
- Turnips
- Swiss Chard
- Spinach
- Salad mix (lettuce and radishes)
- Herbs (mint and basil)
- small bag of frozen Peas from last year's harvest
Ok, I'll be honest. I don't eat a lot of veggies. I've gotten a LOT better over the last couple of years.
I've never eaten beets. I've never eaten turnips. I've never eaten Swiss Chard.
Last week, I cooked and ate both beets and turnips. And liked them!!
This first official week is good too! We got:
- Zucchini
- White Squash
- Yellow Squash
- Beets
- Turnips
- Swiss Chard
- Herbs (mint and basil)
But can someone please tell me what to do with Swiss Chard???
I have no idea!
And we've got 20 weeks of fresh veggies with different stuff every week!
Please help out with the Swiss Chard, or any other yummy recipes for some of the other items!!!
Can I be rude and ask how much it costs? We dont have anything like this where I live.
I really like the idea that you get to try different vegetables. (Im not a great vegie eater)I think it would help me get excited about trying new things. I had never heard of swiss chard either. Maybe it's like spaghetti squash and doesnt exist here.
If you go to there are about 135 recipes that feature chard.
No problem, Ms. P.! It was $300 for 20 weeks (not counting the bonus week) which works out to about $15/week. We have figured from the farmer's market in downtown that so far, each week's haul has been definitely worth MORE than $15. And it's been FRESH!
Hopefully, I'll find a yummy recipe for the chard, and share it here as well...
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