Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trip down memory lane

I had to run some errands this morning for work, and decided not to take the interstate, but take the side roads, instead.

This lead me to an area of town that I grew up in, but haven't visited in a few years...  In fact, it lead me to right past the street I grew up on.  So, I turned down the street to reminisce.

The house is pretty much the same, and so is the street.  We moved in there back in 1976, and my parents sold it and moved to a more suitable house in 2008.  So, 32 years in one house.  I moved out in the mid '90s, but it was always a place I could go back to (and did several times).

What struck me was there was probably only one house that still had it's original owners from when we moved in back then on the whole block.  Most of them moved out long before my parents did, but they held out for a while.

The whole general area had a different feel to it.  Not bad, just different.  Old landmarks had been torn down to make way for big box pharmacies.  Houses that had stood for generations were gone.  All in all, just regular old progress.

Still, it was strange to see.

What's the longest you've lived in one place?  Have you been back to see your childhood home?



Shay said...

The longest I lived in one place was 12 years...

The house I live in now runs in at second with just over 10 years.

I used to move a lot ! (9 houses in 9 years between 1991- 2001)

Lynne said...

I lived in my parents first "owned" home for seveteen years; they lived there for twenty-six years. WM lived in our first house for almost fourrteen years and have been in this one for 20 years next month.

thea said...

I lived in my parents house for 17 years. Then my husband and I lived in our first house for 5 years; the next one for 9 years; and then the current one for 12 years. My father still owns and lives in his house .. that's been 50 years.